محمد قمی  Mohammad Qomi

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
* محمد قمی
* بنده عاصی خدا
* سطح سه حوزه
* کارشناسی ارشد علوم سیاسی
* کارشناسی ارشد علوم ارتباطات اجتماعی
* کارشناسی مدیریت امور فرهنگی
* علاقه مندی ها : عکاسی ، مهندسی فرهنگی ، نغمه سازی ، سیاست ، گرافیک ، شعر ...
* اولین مقاله سیاسی فرهنگی خود را در سن 16 سالگی به چاپ رساندم .
+ از نظرات سازنده و انتقادات منصفانه خود مرا بهره مند سازید .
ــ از این که اهل گذاشتن کامنت های نا سزا و بی ادبانه و ... نیستید متشکرم .

* MohammadQomi
* Favorites: Photography, Cultural Engineering, Music, Policy, Graphic, Poetry and etc
* My first article has been printed in a mass medium, when I was 16
* Please leave comments with appropriate contents

* محمد قمی
* المفضلات: فتوغرافی، الهندسة الثقافیة، الموسیقی، الساسة، الرسومات، الشعر و...
* نشرت مقالتی الاولی بوسیلة اعلامیة فی 16.
* شکرا لمراعتکم فی رعایة الادب و الاحترام فی التعلیقات.

طبقه بندی موضوعی
آخرین نظرات

۲ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «muslim» ثبت شده است


محمد قمی: داشتم در یکی از شبکه های اجتماعی گشت می زدم که برخوردم به یکی از پست های انگلیسی khamenei.ir ؛ دیدم کسی زیر این پست، حرف های نا مربوطی رو در باره ی آقا نوشته و از رژیم صهیونیستی حمایت کرده است. ظاهرا یهودی بود. سر سخن را با وی آغاز کردم و این صحبت تبدیل شد به یک مناظره ی نوشتاری. دیدم بد نیست شما را هم در جریان این مناظره قرار بدهم. گفتنی است که لحن طرف مقابل در ابتدا توهین آمیز بود ولی بعدا کم کم بهتر شد؛ به همین دلیل، برخی قسمت های نا مناسب با نقطه چین پر شده اند.

Mohammad Qomi: I was taking a tour at one of social networks; then I had arrived to one of Khamenei.ir's posts; suddenly I saw a person had wrote under that, irrelevant speech about Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and had supported Israel. Apparently mentioned person was Jewish. Then I started with him a written debate. I saw that's not bad sharing it with you. It is noteworthy that, at the first his conversational tone was rude, but improved later; for this, used dotted instead the inappropriate parts.

The Opposite Side: How is it possible that in the 21th century there are still people like this (…)  Khamanei or Khmené ......such a (…) to support Islamic terrorist bandits!!

طرف مقابل: چگونه ممکن است که در قرن بیست و یکم، هنوز هم افرادی مثل این... وجود دارند... مانند (...) برای حمایت از تروریست های راه زن اسلامی!!

محمد قمی
۲۵ شهریور ۹۳ ، ۱۹:۱۹ موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۰ نظر


Mohammad Qomi: Hi my friends! I am a Muslim-Shia from Iran.  Excuse me if I do not write in English very well… I would only I have a communication in English with you.

Please permit me that I speak about GAZA; the land of blood and Suffering. Nowadays, very crimes are allowed about it… and from another hand, there are some humble Arabic states –such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and…- that they do not desire that their shameful acts expose by other some states like US. For this, these Arabic states have to obey their commands! And then, lethal and monetary assistance to Israel!

Well! We counted US and humble Arabic states. Permit me that I speak about Iran. Form 1979, Iran has supported Palestine so far, by diplomatic and politic and lethal and monetary assistances; according to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's speech: "No country has helped Palestine like Iran so far". Iran has a public state; for this, the people and the state are together; but not like western states like France, US, Germany, UK and etc. The France situation is very attractive!! The Frances governors claim "freedom of speech" and "France is the Cradle of Freedom" but in this situation, the Frances state is the loneliest state at the world that does not permit the protests!! Even, the US (the more important supporter of Israel) has premised the protests!

More than 1000 killed and more than 6000 injured; this is the result of neglect of some of us. If whole of us be unit and be aware, Israel do not dare that continue its crimes.

I do not know that what's your religion or nationality, but I know one thing: You are a human! And I don't think that you like killing kids by phosphoric bombs with more than 2,000 degrees centigrade.

Let's don't forget #free_Palestine.

Benefit us by your good comments.

With respect.

محمد قمی
۰۵ مرداد ۹۳ ، ۲۰:۰۸ موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ ۱ نظر